January 2nd, 1975

Tom & Barb Lamoureux welcome their second son, Christian Thomas, into the world. Born an raised in Everett, WA, Chris attended North Middle School where he first met his future bride.

August 5th, 1975

Samantha Schell is born to proud parents Bob & Gloria Scott in Fountain Valley, CA. As luck has it, Samantha, her mother and her step-dad, Bill, move north to the Pacific Northwest where Samantha also attended North Middle School (but was oblivious to the crush the annoying kid had on her).

September 12th, 1990

After taking more than 3 years to finally get up the nerve to ask her out, Chris & Sam go out on their very first date (a romantic evening with 20 or so mutual friends at Jim R's house).

For the remaining high school years they were practically inseparable. Countless homecoming dances and proms later they were named "Cupid's Couple" of Everett High Chris's senior year.

June, 1993

Sadly, the two parted ways after graduation to explore life on their own. The hiatus was short-lived, however, as they found life to be less exciting without each other and they were back together in time for Sam's Senior Ball.

October 2nd, 1996

Alexander Thomas Lamoureux becomes the first born, bouncing, baby boy of Chris & Samantha. Fortunately he managed to wait until three weeks after Sam's college graduation. 

September 20th, 1997

The day that they (and everybody else) had been waiting for finally comes - Their Wedding Day! 

July 16th, 2000

After 3 agonizing, torturous days of severe (in Chris's words) days of labor, their second child, Lily Anne Lamoureux, is born into the family with welcome arms. 

August, 2003

Chris decides to try his hand at creating a family website for the world to see.... and life goes on.

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